Plot A Tocky Network
reduction = "CCA",
select_variable = FALSE,
edge_scale = NULL,
mds = FALSE,
reflect = NULL,
log2fc = FALSE,
p_adjust = NULL
- x
A TockyPrepData after running the function TockyNetwork.
- reduction
Choose whether to use PCA or CCA as a reduction method.
- select_variable
Whether to choose a variable (marker expression). The default is FALSE and produces Tocky Angle and Intensity.
- edge_scale
A scale factor for edge thickness.
- mds
If Multidimensional Scaling is used for constructing network graph.
- reflect
If Multidimensional Scaling is used, graph can be refelected by either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
- log2fc
Logical. If TRUE, the colours of nodes are determined by log2 fold change between the two groups.
- p_adjust
If p_adjust is "none", p-value adjustment is not used. Note that p-values from two-group comparisons are stored within the TockyPrepData object and have been calculated by 'PlotClusterPercentage'.