Produce scatter plots of percentages of cells in each Tocky Locus.
Produce scatter plots of percentages of cells in each Tocky Locus.
percentTimer = FALSE,
group_order = NULL,
locus_colours = NULL,
group_colors = NULL,
group_by = TRUE,
p_adjust_method = "fdr",
ylim = NULL,
stats = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
- x
A TockyPrepData object
- percentTimer
A logical value for whether Percent Timer data is produced. Default is FALSE and produces Percent Parent data.
- group_order
The order of groups (optional).
- locus_colours
(optional) to choose colours for Tocky Loci.
- group_colors
(optional) to choose colours for groups.
- group_by
A logical value for whether different groups are plotted in different panels.
- p_adjust_method
A method for p-value adjustment in statistical tests.
- ylim
(Optional) the range of y values to be displayed.
- stats
A logical value for whether to produce statistical outputs. This is effective only for two-group analysis.
- verbose
Logical indicating whether to print Tocky Locus stats. Default is