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Fluorescent Timer proteins uniquely change their emission spectra over time and serve as powerful tools for monitoring the dynamic processes within cells. Our recent efforts have successfully implemented data preprocessing methods in the TockyPrep package. However, it is still challenging to analyze Timer fluorescence dynamics and apply quantitative and statistical analysis methods. To overcome these challenges, the TockyLocus package has been developed. This R package provides quantitative analysis methods, statistical methods, and visualization techniques dedicated for Timer fluorescence data analysis.


The aim of the TockyLocus package is to standardize quantitative analysis and visualization techniques for flow cytometric Fluorescent Timer data. It focuses on data categorization using Timer Angle data, which represents the temporal maturation dynamics of Timer proteins.

Relationship to the package TockyPrep

The TockyPrep package facilitates data preprocessing for flow cytometric Fluorescent Timer data. The TockyLocus package utilizes this preprocessed data to apply its advanced quantitative and visualization methods.

Getting Started with TockyLocus

To begin using TockyLocus, install both TockyLocus and TockyPrep packages from GitHub:

# Install TockyPrep and TockyLocus from GitHub

Sample Workflow

This section guides you through a typical analysis workflow using TockyLocus to process flow cytometric data of cells expressing Fluorescent Timer proteins, covering data import, preprocessing application, and basic visualization techniques.

Data Preprocessing Using TockyPrep

First, load the necessary packages.

Load example data included in the TockyLocus package as follows:

# Example data load
# Define the base path
file_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "TockyLocus")

# Define files
negfile <- "Timer_negative.csv"
samplefiles <- list.files(file_path, pattern = "sample_", full.names = FALSE)
samplefiles <- setdiff(samplefiles, file.path(file_path, negfile))

The dataset was derived from Nr4a3 Tocky T-cells. Briefly, T-cells from Nr4a3 Tocky T cells were activated by antigen stimulation using the ova/ OT-II system, and time course analysis was performed (Bending et al. (2018)).

Group Time (h) Treatment
0 0 Stimulation from 0h
4 4 Stimulation from 0h
8 8 Stimulation from 0h
12 12 Stimulation from 0h
16 16 Stimulation from 0h
24 24 Stimulation from 0h
32 32 Stimulation from 0h
48 48 Stimulation from 0h
32.aMHC 32 Stim. till 24h, then suspended
48.aMHC 48 Stim. till 24h, then suspended

Execute data preprocessing using TockyPrep:

Define sample and negative control files using the prep_tocky function

# Preprocessing data
prep <- prep_tocky(path = file_path, samplefile = samplefiles, negfile = negfile, interactive = FALSE)

The function timer_transform not only imports data but also normalize and transform Timer blue and red fluorescence data.

# Normalizing and transforming data
x <- timer_transform(prep, blue_channel = 'Timer.Blue', red_channel = 'Timer.Red', select = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

Check the class of the transformed object:

## [1] "TockyPrepData"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "TockyPrep"

To effectively visualize the processed data, define sample grouping using the function sample_definition.

The example file sampledefinition.csv provides the standard form. Use read.csv to create a data.frame onject, which can be used as input into sample_definition.

sample_definition <- read.csv(file.path(file_path, 'sampledef.csv'))
sample_definition <-
##                 file group
## 1 sample_0hrs_R1.csv     0
## 2 sample_0hrs_R2.csv     0
## 3 sample_0hrs_R3.csv     0
## 4 sample_4hrs_R1.csv     4
## 5 sample_4hrs_R2.csv     4
## 6 sample_4hrs_R3.csv     4
# Normalizing and transforming data

x <- sample_definition(x, sample_definition = sample_definition, interactive = FALSE)

Alternatively, define sample grouping for effective visualization by using the sample_definition function with the interactive = TRUE option. This approach will generate a CSV file in your working directory. You should edit this CSV file to include sample grouping information in the group column. After editing, follow the prompts in the interactive session and press RETURN upon completion.

Visualize the processed data with a density plot using the function plotAngleDensity.

# Visualizing the results
## Picking joint bandwidth of 1.9

The plotAngleDensity function offers preliminary insights into the dynamics of Timer fluorescence. However, this visualization method has certain limitations that will be discussed in subsequent sections.

Tocky Locus Analysis

Use the TockyLocus function to apply the Tocky Locus approach to your data:

x <- TockyLocus(x)

The TockyLocus function categorizes Timer Angle data into five categories. To visually represent these categories, the plotTockyLocusLegend function can be used to produce a schematic figure of the five Tocky Locus categories.

plotTockyLocusLegend(mar_par = c(2, 2, 4, 2))

For quality checks of the Tocky Locus categorization, use the plot_tocky_locus function. The option n = 4 specifies the number of columns in the multi-panel plot.

plot_tocky_locus: The QC plot for TockyLocus

## ..

Note that the sample at 0 hours, taken before antigen stimulation, shows some pure red fluorescence. This phenomenon is due to the memory phenotype T-cells accumulated in vivo in OT-II Nr4a3 Tocky mice. These memory phenotype T-cells are considered self-reactive and can develop in OT-II Nr4a3 Tocky mice as the Rag genes are sufficiently expressed (Ono and Satou (2024)).

plotTockyLocus: The Plot Function for TockyLocus

To visualize the Timer Angle dynamics per Tocky Locus, use the plotTockyLocus function. The default ‘faceted’ plot produces multiple panels for different groups. Note that the percentage data are based on the percentages within the parent population, which in this dataset, is CD4+ T cells.

plotTockyLocus(x, verbose = FALSE)

If you prefer not to use faceting, employ the group_by = FALSE option to generate a Tocky Locus plot without multiple panels.

plotTockyLocus(x, group_by = FALSE,  verbose = FALSE)

Further Reading

Your data is now ready for statistical testing and downstream analysis. For more information and detailed methodology, refer to our paper:

Masahiro Ono (2024). TockyLocus: Quantitative Analysis Methods for Flow Cytometric Fluorescent Timer Data. arXiv:2411.09386 [q-bio.QM]. Available at:


Bending, David, Paz Prieto Martı́n, Alina Paduraru, Catherine Ducker, Erik Marzaganov, Marie Laviron, Satsuki Kitano, Hitoshi Miyachi, Tessa Crompton, and Masahiro Ono. 2018. “A Timer for Analyzing Temporally Dynamic Changes in Transcription During Differentiation in Vivo.” Journal of Cell Biology 217 (8): 2931–50.
Ono, Masahiro, and Yorifumi Satou. 2024. “Spectrum of Treg and Self-Reactive t Cells: Single Cell Perspectives from Old Friend HTLV-1.” Discovery Immunology 3 (1): kyae006.