This function visualizes either Timer fluorescence (Blue vs Red) or Timer dynamics by the Tocky method (Angle vs Intensity) based on the specified mode.
file = "PlotTocky",
pseudocolour = TRUE,
pdf = FALSE,
output = "QC",
n = 4,
plot_mode = "Timer fluorescence",
lower_quantile_cutoff = 0.01,
select = FALSE,
use_group = TRUE,
group_order = NULL,
interactive = TRUE,
save = FALSE,
samplefile = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
- x
A TockyPrepData object returned by `timer_transform`, which sample grouping has been defined by `sample_definition`.
- file
File name.
- pseudocolour
A logical argument for whether to use pseudocolour in plots.
A logical argument; if FALSE, a jpeg file is generated instead.
- output
The output directory name for output files.
- n
A number; n x n plots will be generated in the output Tocky plot file, max is 4 for 16 plots.
- plot_mode
Either "Timer fluorescence" for Blue vs Red plots, "Normalized Timer fluorescence" for normalized plots, or "Timer Angle and Intensity" for Angle vs Intensity plots.
- lower_quantile_cutoff
Lower quantile cutoff for setting the plot ranges in fluorescence mode.
- select
Logical indicating whether to manually select samples for plotting.
- use_group
Logical indicating whether to group plots based on the `group` field in `sampledef`.
- group_order
Optional character vector for specifying the order of the panels when using the group option.
- interactive
Logical indicating whether to prompt the user to select plot_mode. Defaults to `TRUE`.
- save
A logical argument; if FALSE, plots are shown in an X window.
- samplefile
Character vector specifying the sample files. Defaults to `NULL`.
- verbose
Logical indicating whether to print progress messages. Default is `TRUE`.