Prepare Data for Timer Transformation Using Flow Cytometric Data
This function prepares the dataset for timer transformation analysis by identifying common variables across sample files, configuring necessary control files, and setting up variables for downstream analysis. The function supports both interactive and non-interactive file selection modes.
- path
Character string specifying the directory where the data files are located. Defaults to the current directory `'.'`.
- interactive
Logical indicating whether to prompt the user to select sample files. Defaults to `TRUE`.
- negfile
Character string specifying the negative control file. If `NULL`, the user will be prompted to select a file. Defaults to `NULL`.
- samplefile
Character vector specifying the sample files. If `NULL` and `samplefilechoice` is `TRUE`, the user will be prompted to select files. Defaults to `NULL`.
A list containing paths to the control file, selected sample files, and the standardized variables used in the analysis.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Interactive file selection
prep_data <- prep_tocky(path='data', output='output')
# Specifying files directly for non-interactive usage
prep_data <- prep_tocky(
samplefile=c('sample1.csv', 'sample2.csv')
} # }